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Global Startup community group Startup Grind has re-launched in Perth, with a number of high profile monthly events already planned for 2018.

Already active in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane Startup Grind has been brought back to Perth by new Chapter Director, and prominent Perth based entrepreneur, Andy Lamb.

You can register for the first event here.

Startup Grind operates in 115 countries around the globe and in over 300 cities. It is the worlds largest entrepreneur community with more than 1,000,000 entrepreneurs as part of the ecosystem.

On its return to Perth, Lamb said

it is great to bring something with global appeal to Perth, to continue the growth aspects of the local startup ecosystem”.

The first Perth event for 2018 is with Dr Jemma Green who has just returned from the World Economic Forum in Davos talking about all things Blockchain.

Support has been provided by EY locally and the first event, which will be a lunchtime session, will be held at the new Tank Stream Labs space in the EY offices the Perth CBD. It will take place between 12pm and 2.30pm on Friday 16th Feb 2018.

Regular speakers are being lined up with a view to having an event each month. The Perth Chapter of Startup Grind is looking to engage with inspiring entrepreneurs and innovators which aren’t typically part of the current Perth startup ecosystem. Also a focus will be on having national and international speakers come to Perth to share their stories.

The core values of Startup Grind are Give First Don’t Take, Make Friends not Contacts and Help Others before Yourself.

With this is mind sign up to the newsletter on Startup Grind website Follow on Twitter and Facebook.

You can register for the first event here.

Tickets are strictly limited so please book your place now.

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