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Strategic filing of multiple patents on autonomous robotics technology - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Jun 23, 2020 10:50:16 AM

Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) has filed multiple patents over autonomous robotics technology being developed by subsidiary ‘Stealth Technologies’.

The Stealth Autonomous Robotics Platform (AxV) is designed for rugged and remote environments. It allows robotic vehicles to be designed to operate autonomously in the absence of people for extended periods.

Two patent applications cover low cost solutions developed by Stealth Technologies that greatly increase reliability and mitigates against system failures in autonomous robotic vehicles.

A third patent application covers robots designed to automate perimeter security intrusion detection systems. Intellectual Property covered by the patents has potential commercial use in security, mining and agriculture.

Stealth Technologies has collaborations with US$100 billion Honeywell to develop an Autonomous Robotic Security Vehicle for the correctional justice sector and with the University of Western Australia for Electric Vehicles. Stealth has the right to retain all Intellectual Property it develops under these collaborations.

Redundant Compute Patent

A patent filing has been lodged to cover redundant compute technology developed in-house by Stealth Technologies. Autonomous vehicles rely on their onboard compute to control driving. Failure of the ‘onboard compute’ is a catastrophic failure that could cause an accident or injury to people. To overcome the potential failure of compute, Stealth has developed a low-cost innovative solution allowing the vehicle to seamlessly continue its missions.

Emergency Braking Patent

Onboard power failure is another critical event that could cause autonomous vehicles to continue under their momentum to roll forward or even down an incline without the ability to brake. Stealth has developed a low cost innovative solution to enable emergency braking for autonomous vehicles should power failure occur, activating brakes and bringing the vehicle to a halt.

Automated Perimeter Intrusion Detection Robotics Patent

Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS) testing is a physical process required to be completed regularly to ensure PIDS are functioning properly and will detect intrusion attempts. Testing is a mundane and repetitive task that can use significant human resources as facility perimeters often span stretches of numerous kilometres and can be infeasible to test manually, leaving facilities open to undetected intrusions through untested perimeters.

Meanwhile, the Stealth Technologies team is using data computer-aided-design (CAD) software to direct hardware to deposit material, layer upon layer, in precise geometric shapes. 3D printing takes a digital 3D model and turns it into a physical object using a print head, nozzle or other printing technology. Rapid prototyping has enabled the team to develop in days what could have potentially taken months.