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Unocart nudges into supermarket industry - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Tech Invest | Nov 16, 2018 4:19:58 PM

WA technology startup UnoCart is using revolutionary technology to push its way into the highly competitive supermarket industry, promising to deliver grocery prices to shoppers at the lowest possible price.

The shopping innovator hopes to change the way Australians buy their weekly shop through their mobile app.

The SmartCart app uses algorithms based on live supermarket data identifying where to find the lowest price on any given item – regardless of supermarket outlet or location.

Shoppers can then choose items they would like to buy at this lowest possible price and UnoCart personal shopper will go and collect groceries from multiple stores.

The SmartCart system is even able to offer price alerts for similar or different branded items, giving the consumer even greater avenues to save.

Currently closed trials of UnoCart technology have seen shoppers save up to 20% on their groceries.

Co-Founder and CEO of UnoCart Tyler Spooner said the SmartCart technology will continue to improve, with the aim of understanding users’ personal preferences and habits, delivering even better service.

Users preferences require complex coding, with UnoCart aiming to demonstrate their technical ability through suggestions on related items. Spooner notes, for example, that SmartCart needs to understand there are different cuts of meats and what cuts make for a suitable recommendation.

As the Australian supermarket landscape continues to fragment, the app is expected to continue to increase its ability to act as a price aggregator, incorporating new players, such as Amazon and Kaufland.

Shoppers can give UnoCart a trial via the company website:
