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VIP Gloves Limited’s (ASX:VIP) glove manufacturing facility in Selangor, Malaysia has returned to full operating capacity following further relaxation of the Malaysian Government’s Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

Under the current Standard Operating Procedure and in line with Government guidelines, VIP’s manufacturing facility has returned to operating at 100% of its workforce.

In line with this return to workforce capacity, installation work of the two new manufacturing lines (Line 7 and Line 8) has accelerated.

Construction completion and commissioning of Line 7 is targeted for December 2021 and January 2022 respectively while Line 8 construction completion and commissioning is targeted for January 2022 respectively and February 2022 respectively.

The addition of these two new lines will increase glove manufacturing capacity at the facility from 768 million pieces p.a. currently to 936 million pieces p.a., a 22% increase.

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