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WestStar’s subsidiary Alltype lands $15 million of new awards and contract expansions - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Jun 7, 2022 10:03:01 AM

WestStar Industrial Limited’s (ASX: WSI) wholly owned subsidiary Alltype Engineering has obtained several contract expansions and new awards totalling $15 million.

A combination of numerous contract signings, early works contracts and existing contract growth has added positively to the contracted revenue for the year with further contract wins expected.

WestStar’s financial backing and parent company support has been instrumental in supporting this growth in revenue, profitability and geographic presence.

The contract expansions and new awards continues to contribute to the WestStar FY2022 order book, bringing the consolidated group total of contracted Awards to $237 million for the financial year, ensuring the company builds on the success of FY2022 into FY2023.

Alltype Engineering Operations Update

WestStar’s wholly owned subsidiary Alltype Engineering continues to further increase its secured work opportunities, building a record backlog for FY23 of circa $40M whilst trading EBITDA positively and trending toward setting a new company financial performance record in FY22, in alignment with its five-year strategic plan and WestStar approved budget.

New works secured include further water and transport infrastructure fabrication and installation works, multiple gas transmission facilities upgrades and stations involving turnkey fabrication and construction within the Goldfields, Pilbara, Midwest and Perth regions, offshore and subsea componentry fabrication, mine site non process infrastructure works and turnkey construction of a Metropolitan industrial waste treatment facility.

The contract expansions and new awards continues to contribute to the WestStar FY2022 order book and to set up FY2023 as an exciting year for Alltype Engineering.

APA Ambania Compressor Station Site Works Commenced

The Ambania compressor station project east of Geraldton has achieved a major milestone, having mobilised and established site at the end of April with bulk earthworks and 60-person site construction camp progress on schedule in anticipation of precast and insitu concrete and buried ground works.

Lynas Kiln Installation Commences – Major Lift Activities

Further east near Kalgoorlie, the Lynas kiln project continued progress with erection of the major kiln segments onto concrete plinths commencing in advance of balance of plant works commencing. The project works continue in accordance with schedule with the scope expanded to include kiln related electrical installation works and piping.

AGIG Gas Facilities Infrastructure – Works Continue

Alltype Engineering continues a project scope of integrated works comprising workshop fabrication, SMP and E&I works on various remote sites along the Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline, which is part of the Australian Gas Instructure Group (AGIG) from Karratha down to Dongara to meet new gas transport arrangements

Northern Star Resources Ltd Thunderbox Gold Mine Gas Supply Debottlenecking Project Practical Completion

Project mechanical completion and Alltype Engineering practical completion has been achieved on the gas delivery facilities at the remote Thunderbox gold mine.

Subsequent to recent shut down tie in works to install key infrastructure ahead of schedule, Alltype Engineering has now installed the electric fuel gas heaters and completed the consumer gas pipeline and delivery station for the new power station being commissioned as part of the Thunderbox Expansion Project.

To deliver the recent Thunderbox gas facilities EPC project from concept to completion safely in 12 months in the current construction environment is a true achievement and I would like to acknowledge and thank our project, workshop and site teams for pulling together to make it happen,” Alltype Engineering’s Managing Director. Kelvin Andrijich, said.

“I would also like to thank our clients Northern Star Resources Ltd and APA Group for their collaborative approach and our key subcontract partners for their support in successfully delivering this key EPC project. We believe this experience and demonstration of capability will generate future repeat scopes similar in nature for a broader client base.”