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When you first saw the above headline you might have thought it was another article for millennials who didn’t want to get a real job and only wished to travel the world. The truth is – this article is not about that at all.

There are times for people to change something in their life: apartments, car, relationships, city, country. That’s fine, we are all human beings.

Blockchain-based system attached to your CV

However, moving to another city or even country, often means struggles with a job search. If you have no work experience or are just a low-skilled worker, you should first read a guidebook for unskilled workers.

Lifehack: Australia, New Zealand, and Canada – in particular the province of Alberta – are actively recruiting workers for various industries and will provide work permits to match.

Otherwise, if you have several years of work experience, you have to deal with other problems:

  • Distrust to newcomers which means countless job interviews;
  • Stressful discussions of professional skills (in a different language);
  • Several months of probation with minimum wage etc.; and
  • A change in the direction of your work (become a freelancer or an entrepreneur).

The last one is the trickiest one because freelance work sounds great after 5/2 office job. According to the Forbes, freelancers can earn more money per hour than an average office worker, but it’s still hard for them to stay afloat because order instability leads to non-permanent payments.

Starting your own business is hard in itself and then moving to another place makes it even harder if you don’t have the savings account with put aside money. It’s easier to become a barista at the local coffee shop around the corner, but do you want that?

Those, who want to maintain their career paths after moving to another city/country have to deal with documents issues, search for the place to live, prove their professional skills to new employers and adapt to the new overall environment. Having one of these problems solved might save tons of time, money and headaches.

  • The documents. Before moving there are sets of documents which may vary in every country:

    Work Permission (for example, in USA, Canada, Switzerland), a contract from the company that hires migrants (the guide from the government of the New Zealand), certification of a degree, a CV or a portfolio – all translated and verified by notary.

  • A place to live. Standard hotel, hostel from Booking, apartments from Airbnb, Couchsurfing for adventurous (and economic) people, find a roommate on the local forum, friends, and family members who happen to live in the city that you’ve chosen.

    It all depends on what you can afford. So choose what you feel is best for you.

  • Prove your skills. After a 50th job interview, the candidate’s speech becomes rehearsed and boring. HR managers see the lack of enthusiasm and it’s a big ‘No’ for a potential employee from the first minute. Every company is interested in a motivated, proactive person who is broad-minded and passionate to learn new things every day.

    Certificates from online schools like Google Training Centre, HubSpot Academy, Coursera, edX, HTML Academy and other organisation are important to modern employers.

    Job candidates don’t need to clarify on a resume that the certificate was completed online, though it’s important to be honest if an employer asks experts from the USNews say.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to explain the same thing in every job interview and could show a piece of paper with all verified skills from previous jobs that we could attach to the resume? This may not be just a dream anymore.

Aworker is a platform for professionals to build a career regardless of your location. It’s a document with the list of verified professional and communication skills that show the real abilities and achievements of an employee.

Decentralisation provides the best opportunities for creating the new professional ecosystem. Each person will be able to show how qualified he/she really is and develop a reputation of a reliable employee with just a couple of mouse clicks.

All-in-all, changes are necessary for some people’s lives and the hard truth is things don’t always go as smoothly as we want them to.

Nevertheless, American politician John Barrow once said “if you never try, you’ll never know what you’re capable of“ and we can’t argue with that.

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