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Innovative Australian IoT technology company Zimi Limited (ASX:ZMM) has successfully commenced production and first shipments of its latest smart device product range, Senoa.

This landmark moment for the company represents the beginning of its commercialisation phase of the highly anticipated Senoa range of Smarter Glass Touch Switches.

In addition, they have informed stakeholders that the expanded range of the Powermesh smart devices and the new ‘E-Door connect’ smart door controller will begin shipping in July. The company expects the majority of its current >$1.6M of back orders of all products to ship throughout the Q1 FY2024 period.

Despite the revenue disruption posed by the global component shortages, our team has persevered to deliver products to the market after selling most of our stock in FY2022,” CEO Jordan Tentori said.

“The initial response for our new products has also exceeded our expectations, and we are well-positioned to capitalise on the immense opportunities within the ‘smart space’ technology market which continue to grow rapidly. Once our existing back orders are fulfilled, we have also secured components and production pipeline to support >$3.5M sales revenue for the H1 FY2024 period.

“I appreciate the patience of our customers and support of our shareholders this year as we navigated the head winds of supply shortages. We are proud to now deliver this expanded range of products to market and look forward to the products being installed to create smarter living experiences.”

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