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AnteoTech Ltd (ASX: ADO) reports it is on track for the launch of the COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test. The AnteoTech Antigen Rapid Test detects the SARS-CoV-2 active virus that causes the disease called COVID-19.

Since signing an MoU with Operon in Spain in late November 2020, AnteoTech has been working with the Operon team to facilitate the technology transfer that will enable scaled manufacturing of the COVID-19 test. This transfer process is on track and once finalised, will facilitate the implementation of a manufacturing agreement with Operon.

AnteoTech has also signed an agreement with a Spanish company to commence manufacturing of the plastic cassettes that hold the test strips that are inserted into the reader. This company is conveniently located close to Operon’s manufacturing plant, reducing supply chain processes for this high volume element of the product.

Meanwhile, clinical studies for regulatory approval have commenced with the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL), a unit of Doherty Institute in Victoria. The initial elements of this study focus on cross-reactivity testing. The study will cover requirements for Theraputig Goods Administration (TGA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) via an Emergency Use Authorisation and CE mark registrations.

Axxin, the provider of the lateral flow reader, for the COVID-19 ART recently delivered the first generation “Alpha Reader”, a version of the AX-2X-S platform configured specifically for AnteoTech’s requirements. The reader’s on-time delivery was an essential milestone in the overall test commercialisation program, allowing the clinical study at VIDRL to commence.

AnteoTech’s CEO, Derek Thomson, said that meanwhile, a Brisbane based marketing agency has been appointed to develop brand, packaging and marketing collateral for the test platform. In parallel, marketing plans and strategy for a platform launch and launch of the COVID-19 test are well underway.

“We have been working diligently over the past months on the COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test development, and I am pleased to say that we are on track.

“We are well placed to advance the Company further in 2021, and I look forward to keeping you updated on our progress in the New Year.”

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