Decmil Group Limited (ASX: DCG) has received a multi-million dollar contract award at Perdaman Industries’ Ceres Urea Plant Project located on the Burrup Peninsula in Western Australia.

The company received the contract from the Saipem Clough Joint Venture (SCJV), which is a joint venture formed between Saipem Australia Pty Ltd and Clough Projects Australia Pty Ltd.
The scope of works under the contract encompasses bulk earthworks on site including drilling and blasting, construction of a causeway, the supply and installation of culverts, establishing portable water lines, and general site clearing activities.
Work on site has commenced, with the contract scheduled for completion by July 2024.
The $6 billion Ceres Project was officially launched in May this year and has been given Project of State Significant status by The Western Australian Government.
We are delighted to have been awarded this package of works by SCJV, which falls right in our project value sweet spot of between $50 million and $150 million, enabling us to maximise supply chain benefits and achieve economies of scale,” Decmil CEO, Rod Heale, said.
“Pleasingly, our orderbook is growing strongly whilst adhering to our highly selective tender strategy centred on high-quality larger-sized contracts.
“The capital raising we undertook gives Decmil the financial strength to efficiently deliver on our expanded orderbook and positions us very well to target further contract awards across WA, Victoria, and Queensland.”