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German hospital agrees to evaluate ResApp’s digital health application

Brisbane-based digital health company ResApp Health Limited (ASX:RAP) reports that a German hospital will perform a health-economic evaluation of its ResAppDx-EU application.

The Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg hospital has recently obtained ethics approval for a pilot evaluation of ResAppDx-EU.

Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg, which is in the German private hospital network, had signed a letter of intent with ResApp for a pilot evaluation in April 2018.

The pilot study will include an initial workflow assessment and quality assurance cohort of 50 subjects, followed by recruitment of up to 300 subjects to establish a baseline for the resource usage and costs associated with current care pathways for respiratory diagnosis in a German emergency department, and also compare the accuracy of ResAppDx-EU to a clinical diagnosis.

However, with the COVID-19 pandemic still having a major impact on healthcare globally, recruitment for the evaluation will be delayed until the demand placed on the study site from the pandemic has subsided. ResApp will provide a further update when recruitment in the study begins.

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