Leading Australian life insurer, TAL, has launched TAL Connect, providing a fully integrated digital solution for its super fund partners, linking the superannuation and insurance journeys to deliver an enhanced member experience.

TAL Connect delivers a complete digital experience embedded within the superannuation ecosystem, providing a new level of functionality, control and visibility to help members confidently engage with their insurance cover or manage their claim.
TAL Chief Executive – Group Life & Retirement, Jenny Oliver said that TAL Connect was the result of the company’s significant investment in technology over the past three years that focused on improving the member and partner experience, especially at claim time.
“TAL has always had a strong commitment to delivering leading digital experiences for our partners and their members. With TAL Connect, we are continuing this commitment by embedding personalised digital member experiences into the superannuation journey.”
Our member-led approach has shaped how we design digital services, with an unwavering focus on real-life member experiences. We are particularly excited by the enhancements that we have made to support members should they ever need to make a claim. TAL Connect supports a full digital experience starting from the moment a member wants to lodge a claim with their superannuation fund, right through to recovery support,” said Ms Oliver.
TAL Connect’s platform design enables super funds to evolve their insurance offering, improving the member experience. The building blocks are a comprehensive library of insurance journeys that guide members when they are either engaging with their cover through Cover Assist, or making a claim through Claims Assist.
With Claims Assist, members can easily lodge and manage their claim, provide medical information, add payment details, see payment schedules, and access health support, all in real time.
The results achieved with TAL’s partner, Aware Super, have exceeded expectations.
”For TAL Connect, we sought a launch partner who shared our vision to deliver simple and seamless digital experiences for members to engage with their insurance. Aware Super shares this vision and the strength of our partnership meant we were able to deliver a great outcome through this collaboration,” said Ms Oliver.
Adoption of the TAL Connect module, Claims Assist, has delivered measurable improvements to the member claims experience, including:
- A strong uptake in members engaging directly with the insurer, with close to 50% of members wanting to lodge a claim by interacting digitally with TAL via Claims Assist; and
- Over 40% of members who start their claims digitally, complete the lodgement process within 24 hours, reaching claims consultants significantly faster than via traditional lodgement channels.
Aware Super Head of Insurance, David Evans commented on the uplift in the member experience including for those members managing their claims through Aware Super’s online claims portal, powered by TAL Connect.
“Member experience is a top priority for Aware Super and our members told us that they wanted more choice and control to transact on their insurance. Our digital transformation and TAL Connect’s intuitive, mobile-first and open integration, have helped us deliver market-leading digital experiences that fast-track applications for insurance, ultimately resulting in faster service and improved outcomes for our members,” said Mr Evans.
TAL General Manager of Digital Experience, Jenny Nguyen said TAL’s partners would continue to benefit from the company’s commitment to delivering ongoing platform enhancements.
“Being customer and member-led shapes how we design digital services. TAL has undertaken a significant development program within our own business, understanding our data and adopting key learnings leading to product simplification, upgrading core digital infrastructure, and reinforcing cyber security, along with streamlining our operational processes where we have seen an opportunity to do so.”
“TAL Connect has been designed to ensure that insurance journeys are fully integrated into our partner’s ecosystem so that the member experience is seamless and does not feel like an “add-on”.”
“It doesn’t stop here though. While we are rolling out TAL Connect for all our partners, we continue to expand its functionality, building additional life insurance, health and retirement modules to deliver holistic digital experiences for every stage of a member’s life,” Ms Nguyen said.