Two Perth IT specialists are challenging the big boys of the ride sharing business with a new APP designed to move everything from people to flatpack furniture. Karru will be a one-stop destination for a range of specialist transport services all with the promise of cheaper rates for consumers and a better deal for drivers. Karru Stuff is the first service to launch and will connect utes, trailers, vans and their drivers with Gum Tree bargain hunters, IKEA shoppers and those who make large on-the-spot purchases and just don’t have the right sort of vehicle to transport their stuff.
It’s the brainchild of two Perth IT specialists who have experienced the frustration and spousal pressure to ‘get it delivered now’ that comes with buying everything from sofas to flat pack kitchens.
Moat said the idea to create an online ride-sharing service for goods came after he spontaneously purchased a stack of discontinued tiles for his home renovations and realised he had no way of getting them home.

“I rang a mate to ask if I could borrow his ute and he said why don’t you just call an Uber,’ said Moat.
“I told him that Uber doesn’t transport stuff and he said to me, well they should.”
It was a light bulb moment for Moat and long-time friend and Maher Elsherbini – who spent the next ten months developing the Karru business concept.
Karru Stuff puts the convenience of having a ute, van or trailer at your service without the fees, hassle and wait times associated with hiring a vehicle or paying for a courier,” said Mo.
“We have done the modelling to ensure the Karru time and kilometre charging structure will be more cost effective than the hiring or delivery alternatives.
“If you fall in love with that pre-assembled bed, get offered a free kitchen table from a family member or simply want to shift a whole lot of boxed belongings, you just click the app and get it transported immediately.”
Moat said Karru was calling for ute, trailer and van owners interested in making income from their vehicles to register now at in preparation for the app’s launch to consumers.
He believes Karru Stuff will be an attractive income source for many tradies and mine workers who had the right type of vehicles but were suffering on the income front due to the downturn in the economy.
“And we all know people with a ute or a trailer that only use them for occasionally when they personally have stuff to move, and for the rest of the time they are parked in the driveway,” he said.
“Now those owners can start to get a real return on their investment simply by moving other people’s stuff and getting paid for it.”
Karru Stuff is just the first in several services that will be launched via the Karru app.
Next up will be Karru Her offering exclusively female drivers for female passengers, followed by Karru Kids which will transport parents and their children, and under 18s who need to get safely to everything from school to concerts and sports practice.
“We have studied the ride-sharing industry intently and we have applied the best of the existing models and new aspects that ensure a better, fairer deal for drivers.
“It’s definitely going to be a win/win for both vehicle owners and customers.”