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Nano technology developer Weebit Nano (ASX: WBT) it has reached the 40nm working cells milestone with Weebit Nano SiOx ReRAM cells one month ahead of schedule.

Weebit Nano makes major 40nm working cells breakthrough

The company reported that the measurements performed on 40nm memory cells on various wafers verified the ability of Weebit Nano SiOx ReRAM cells to maintain its memory behaviour in accordance with previous experiments performed on 300nm cells.

Coby Hanoch, CEO of Weebit Nano, said this is a significant milestone for Weebit Nano as it verifies that its technology can be scaled down to advanced geometries used in a wide variety of applications while maintaining its benefits.

The 40nm size is of particular importance as it is a common existing technology node used in many industrial applications such as mobile phones, laptops and wearable technology used in the ‘Internet of Things’, and will help to progress potential co-operation with industry players.

“Reaching the 40nm milestone secures our position among the leading ReRAM companies. Demonstrating such an advanced geometry paves the way for us to further develop our technology by scaling up array capacities for use in different applications and integrating into deeply scaled down CMOS technologies that are used in all processors, RAM and digital logic circuits on most small devices,” Mr Hanoch said.

“The 40nm cell characterisation results were achieved ahead of schedule due to the excellent co-operation between Weebit Nano and Leti’s R&D team, leveraging the very strong engineering integration capabilities of Leti’s pre- industrialisation facilities in Grenoble, France”, said Mr Hanoch.

David Perlmutter, Chairman of the Board of Weebit Nano, said the compay’s development strategy, which focuses on unique IP that capitalises on known manufacturing processes, is paying off.

What took other companies up to 10 years to achieve, took Weebit Nano less than two years, thanks to our unique approach of focusing on standard Silicon Oxide which does not require any special equipment or processes.”

He said that over the next few months Weebit Nano will continue extensive characterisation of its 40nm SiOx ReRAM cells performance and will start scaling up its array capacity into Kb and Mb arrays structures during the first half of 2018.

In parallel to the 40nm SiOx ReRAM cell characterisation, Weebit Nano is working to define its technology roadmap beyond 40nm and future industry collaborations.

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